In October 2024, Sara Krauss, Director of School Partnerships in the Sherman Scholars Program traveled to Sofia, Bulgaria where she attended the ISSA Conference. The conference was focused on bringing early childhood educators, advocates, and community leaders together to share best practices, research, and experience surrounding the conference theme, “It takes an Early Childhood Ecosystem for all Young Children to Thrive.” Sara was sponsored by the Trust for Social Achievement, a Bulgarian organization dedicated to helping everyone reach their fullest potential.
She traveled with Principal Coralbeth Garcia from Lakeland Elementary/Middle School in Baltimore City. During her time in Bulgaria she spoke on several different topics and with a variety of audiences including, a panel addressing members of parliament and departments of ministries for a presentation titled, “The case for transforming urban segregated communities and the role of schools and early learning centers in this process” and highlighting the partnership work of Sherman School Partnerships in a discussion titled, “Why Universities Matter in Schools and Communities.” Sara says the conference brought together people from all over the world, and it was good to be in fellowship with others who are in the grind each day taking steps towards an ecosystem that supports children and families. The experience solidified the idea that even as a university we have a place in the Early Childhood Ecosystem because the children, families, and communities we support now, may later be our students at UMBC.