The Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs (UAA) supports the academic pursuits of undergraduate students from all colleges and programs from enrollment to graduation. We invite you to explore the UAA website and learn more about the many programs and resources available to you as an undergraduate UMBC student.
Visit UAA Giving
Meet the UAA Staff
Diana L Benoit
Undergraduate Academic Affairs (Division of)
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 148B
+1 410 455 6805
Stephen J Freeland
Interim Dean and Vice Provost of UAA
Biological Sciences
Undergraduate Academic Affairs (Division of)
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 148B
+1 410 455 2024
+1 410 455 2577
Michael Mower
Web Specialist
Undergraduate Academic Affairs (Division of)
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 350
+1 410 455 5643
+1 410 455 1098

Academic Engagement & Transition Programs provides academic and programmatic opportunities that serve all new students in their first year at UMBC. These programs include: Academic Transition Courses (First-Year Seminars, Introduction to an Honors University Seminars, and Transfer Seminars), the Living-Learning Communities, the Summer and Winter Bridge Programs, as well as American Sign Language Courses.
Meet our Staff
Abby Hart
Assistant Director of Transfer Experiences
Academic Engagement and Transition Programs (AETP)
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 349
+1 410 455 3496
Gavin Gilliland
Assistant Director of First-Year Experiences
Academic Engagement and Transition Programs (AETP)
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 352 B-Wing
+1 410 455 1185
Michael Mower
Web Specialist
Undergraduate Academic Affairs (Division of)
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 350
+1 410 455 5643
Timothy J Olivella
Coordinator of Operations
Academic Engagement and Transition Programs (AETP)
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 344 - B Wing
+1 410 455 3715
+1 410 455 3737
Barbara A Smith
Executive Administrative Assistant I
Academic Engagement and Transition Programs (AETP)
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) B wing - Room 340
+1 410 455 2300
Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center provides centralized support services to all undergraduate students at UMBC. Through a coordinated approach and an unwavering commitment to student success, the Academic Success Center fosters a welcoming environment that provides a one-stop opportunity through Academic Policy, Academic Resources, and Academic Advocacy for students to achieve their academic goals and claim their future with a UMBC degree.
Meet our Staff
Tanay M Adams
ASC Operations and Guest Experience Coordinator
Academic Success Center
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 156 - 1A
+1 410 455 2981
Achala Denagamage
Academic Program Specialist
Ira Fabri
Associate Director, Tutoring Services
Academic Success Center
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 145
+1 410 455 3905
Delana S Gregg
Assistant Vice Provost, UG Academic Affairs
Academic Success Center
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) B-Wing 341
+1 410 455 1875
Micah S Havens
Coordinator, Tutoring Services
Academic Success Center
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 156-2A
+1 410 455 3257
Beck Hertl
Coordinator, Tutoring Services
Academic Success Center
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 156-1B
+1 410 455 1285
Amanda Knapp
Associate Vice Provost and Assistant Dean
Academic Success Center
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) B-Wing Room 346
+1 410 455 3874
Alison Larsen
Senior Academic Advocate
Academic Success Center
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) B-Wing Room 353
+1 410 455 8682
Elaine M MacDougall
Assistant Director of the Writing Center
Academic Success Center
Performing Arts & Humanities 425
+1 410 455 2816
Jocelyn G Ochoa-Garcia
Academic Advocate
Academic Success Center
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 357
+1 410 455 8081
Clifton Saul
Acting Associate Director, Academic Advocacy
Academic Success Center
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) B Wing - Room 358
+1 410 455 8805
Tenley R Stewart
Business Services Specialist
Academic Success Center
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 347
+1 410 455 2448
Hope Weisman
Senior Academic Advocate
Academic Success Center
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 359 B-Wing
+1 410 455 8097
Honors College
The Honors College is an integral part of the UMBC community, offering talented students a challenging and interdisciplinary academic program within the broader university.
Meet our Staff
+1 410 455 2164
Julie Christ Oakes
Assistant Director, Curriculum and Retention
Honors College
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 216Q
+1 410 455 3723
Simon Stacey
Director, Honors College
Political Science
Honors College
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 216F
+1 410 455 1962
Kendyl Walker
Assistant Director of Recruitment and Assessment
Honors College
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 216E
+1 410 455 1616
+1 410 455 3720
Individualized Study
Individualized Study (INDS) serves UMBC students whose interests and professional goals reach beyond the boundaries of a traditional major. In-depth advising combines with a core curriculum to help students design and implement unique, interdisciplinary degrees.
Meet Our Staff
Eric J Brown
Assistant Teaching Professor
Human Context of Science and Technology
Individualized Study Program (INDS)
Fine Arts 021
+1 410 455 1589
+1 410 455 5819
+1 410 455 3622
Steven McAlpine
Assistant Teaching Professor
Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship
Fine Arts Bldg 004
+1 410 455 5885
Maria Sanchez
Director of ECEP
College of Engineering and Information Technology
Information Technology & Engineering 217H
+1 410 455 6324
+1 410 455 2037
+1 410 455 2004
Meyerhoff Scholars Program
The Meyerhoff Scholars Program is at the forefront of efforts to increase diversity among future leaders in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and other related fields. The UMBC Meyerhoff family is strong with alumni across the nation.
Meet Our Staff
Mario Sto. Domingo
Associate Director for Evaluation & Research
Meyerhoff Scholars Program
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) SHERMAN 128 - B WING
+1 410 455 3110
Meghan Flynn
Meyerhoff Scholars Program
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 128 B-Wing
+1 410 455 3110
+1 410 455 1381
+1 410 455 3660
+1 410 455 3139

The Office of Academic Opportunity Programs provides resources and support to students who are traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary education, specifically students who are low-income, first-generation, and members of racial/ethnic minority groups, to facilitate their academic success.
Meet Our Staff
+1 410 455 6763
+1 410 455 2901
Corris P Davis
Academic Opportunity Programs
Upward Bound Program
Educational Talent Search
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 127
+1 410 455 2814
+1 410 455 1465
Dirmwa H Dimka-Ayegbusi
Program Specialist
Upward Bound Program
Academic Opportunity Programs
Math & Psychology 007
Sunji Jangha
Director of Pipeline Programs
Upward Bound Mathematics and Science Center
Academic Opportunity Programs
Graduate School
Mathematics/Psychology 006
+1 410 455 3677
Tanaj L Mogase
Dedrick Muhammad
Asst Director
Academic Opportunity Programs
Upward Bound Mathematics and Science Center
Educational Talent Search
Kerra Trusty
Assistant Director
Upward Bound Program
Academic Opportunity Programs
Mathematics/Psychology 007
+1 410 455 2700
Sherman Teacher Scholars Program
The Sherman Teacher Scholars Program supports students who want to be highly qualified science and math teachers. Sherman scholars are prepared to meet the needs of students from all backgrounds and to work in challenging schools in urban and other settings.
Meet Our Staff: Sherman Scholars Program
+1 410 455 1501
Shirelle Ellis-Williams
Asst Director
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 337
+1 410 455 1556
Greg Gilliland
Business Services Specialist
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Sherman Center for Early Learning in Urban Communities
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 333
+1 410 455 6721
Geneva E Tatem
Grad Asst *
Christopher L Vick
Asst Director
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 339
+1 410 455 1237
Meet Our Staff: Sherman School Partnerships
Mariam Zahra Jafri
Program Coordinator
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 331
+1 410 455 1577
Sara R Krauss
Director, Sherman School Partnerships
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) Room 331
+1 410 455 1577
Devin Sanders
Program Coordinator, HIPPY Cherry Hill
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Off Campus
Jennifer J Smith
Assistant Director
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 331
+1 410 455 1577
Juliana Venegas
Assistant Director, Early Childhood Initiatives
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Sherman Hall (Academic IV Bldg) 331
+1 410 455 1577
University Innovation Alliance

The University Innovation Alliance is the leading national coalition of public research universities committed to increasing the number and diversity of college graduates, particularly low-income students, first-generation students, and students of color in the United States.
Meet Our Staff
+1 410 455 1098
Undergraduate Research and Prestigious Scholarships

The office of Undergraduate Research coordinates university-wide initiatives for undergraduate students to help them understand and engage in comprehensive research, fund their projects, present and publish their scholarship and creative work, and collaborate with faculty mentors. It also provides academic programming and support to students applying for prestigious scholarships such as Rhodes, Gates Cambridge, Truman, Marshall, Goldwater, and others.
Meet Our Staff
Devon C Fick
Admin Asst II
Undergraduate Research and Prestigious Scholarships
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 216P
+1 410 455 5513
April Householder
Director of Undergraduate Research and Prestigio
Undergraduate Research and Prestigious Scholarships
Undergraduate Academic Affairs (Division of)
Albin O Kuhn Library & Gallery 216D
+1 410 455 5754